NBC Black-Washes Hate Crime

I had to read to the very bottom of this NBC story, ‘Four Teens Held After ‘Facebook Live’ Torture Video Airs’ to find the first reference to the race of these perpetrators, “Police are investigating the case as a potential kidnapping and hate crime — the assailants in the video are black and called the victim a “goof-ass white man,”  even as this is by all measurable standards a racist hate crime.  Also, NBC insists on referring to these racist criminals as “teens.”  While technically true, they are all 18 and adults under the law!  I can’t help feel like this is a purposeful effort to portray they criminals as mere children, not responsible for the “bad decisions” they make.  Be sure that if anything like this ever happens with White Supremacists torturing a person of color the story would be held up in bold face type in media everywhere (as it should).  Still, we do have a serious issue with lingering racism in America.  Yet it does us no good for us as a society to ignore that much of it exists in our minority populations.  Such racism has become truly institutionalized and is clearly evidence in the Black Supremacist event that Obama will be attending next week, ‘Taking the Stage: African American Music and Stories That Changed America.’

This is pathological racism!  {NOTE: This video is so disturbing it is being systematically removed from provider websites.}